Doctor After a Car Accident, If you Don’t feel injured

The most common area of law personal injury attorneys work through is auto accidents. Auto accidents may be minimal fender benders, or detrimental accidents that lead to fatalities. Some parties involved in accidents question whether or not they should visit a doctor, especially if the accident was small, and caused minimal damage to the automobiles involved. Regardless of the circumstances, experts recommend that you should always visit a doctor after an auto accident. Because the majority of auto accidents occur unexpectedly, drivers and passengers have no time to react and brace themselves. This means that passengers are likely to suffer whiplash, or other types of soft tissue injury, due to the sudden impact that causes a violent jerking of the neck and body. We strongly recommend getting examined by a medical professional after a wreck, to ensure that you do not have any underlying injuries that are not presenting symptoms yet, due to the release of adrenaline at the time of an accident.


To put things into perspective, the body’s response after an accident is discussed. The human body is not designed to ensure heavy impact, which is one reason for serious injury after an accident. Even in low-speed car accidents that result in little damage, injuries are still likely. Another aspect of the body’s response after an injury is the chemicals in the body mask a lot of pain and severe injury symptoms. A combination of high adrenaline and bodily chemicals is a reason for symptoms to appear over time, growing increasingly worse if left untreated. After an accident, even if the only symptom you feel is slight soreness, this may indicate a much more serious injury. Delaying treatment may result in making your injury worse.


In addition to assessing your physical health, medical records hold heavy significance in your accident injury lawsuit. If you plan on having the negligent driver that caused the accident to pay for your medical bills, it is essential that you have valid documents of your injuries. If you have not received a medical diagnosis or treatment after two weeks of the accident, it will become significantly more difficult to prove your injuries, and thus more difficult to obtain proper compensation. If you fail to undergo medical assessment, the opposing insurance company will attempt to discredit your claim, minimize the severity of your injuries, and not offer the proper compensation.


The takeaway message is to always seek medical attention, to have your physical condition assessed, to ensure injuries do not worsen over time, to ensure insurance companies will not minimize your injuries and lower your compensation, and to have medical records prove your claim. After you seek medical attention, research and hire a personal injury attorney to represent you in the court of law.


If you or someone you know has been injured in a car crash or truck accident and are in need of an accident attorney in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Naples, Ocala, Orlando, Tampa, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Ft. Myers or any other city in Florida –remember after 911, call 411! 1-800-411-PAIN can put you in touch with an experienced, aggressive network attorney who will fight for your rights and get the maximum compensation you deserve. Don’t forget to follow 411 PAIN on Twitter (@411PAIN), keep up with the conversation at #411PAIN and check out the 411 PAIN event gallery!