411 Pain Car Accident Facts you should know

If you follow the 411 Pain blogs, we have always highlighted and emphasized the importance of safe driving practices. 411 Pain is continuously updating our readers about car accident prevention, laws that affect drivers and recommendations on how to be safe on the roads. Here are some interesting car accident facts that one should know and consider every time they get in a car.
411 pain Truth
  • Your chances of getting into a car accident while talking on a cellphone increases by 400%.
  • About 40% of crashes that are fatal involve alcohol. If the accident takes place between 12am – 3am goes up to about 75%.
  • Statistics suggest that male drivers cause twice as many accidents as female drivers.
  • The most deadly car accidents are when a vehicle rolls over.
  • Individuals between 16-20 have a higher chance of being injured or killed in a car accident over any other age group.
  • Most car accidents occur within 5 miles from home.
  • Car accidents are the most common and most deadly source of personal injury in the world.
  • Cars that are more likely to be involved in a car accident are, sports cars and hatchbacks.
  • Each year, approximately 300,000 teenagers are injured in a car accident. In the US alone 5,000 teenagers die each year, which averages to 14 teenagers a day.
  • Driving with other teenage passengers increases the risk for an accident. The risk increases for every additional teenager passenger in the car.
  • 2 out of every 3 teenagers killed in car accident in 2011 were males.
  • The average text message takes 4.6 seconds to write and send. If you took your eyes off the road that time, while driving at 55 miles per hour the distance would be the length of a football field.
  • The time you spent reading this list, there have been 4 car accidents. Statistics indicate that a person is injured in a car accident every 14 seconds and that every 12 minutes a car accident is fatal.
Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)

Remember, car accidents can happen for many reasons and at any moment. 1-800-411-Pain would like to see the roads become a safer place for all drivers. This is why we continue to provide readers with the latest information on driver safety and accident statistics. 1-800-411-Pain is dedicated to keeping motorists informed with ways in which they can make driving a safer activity.  

Robert Lewin, owner of 411Pain, reminds you not to drink and drive and to
always wear your seat belt.

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