Can Car Maintenance Help Prevent an Accident?

Unfortunately, car accidents are simply a fact of life. Between distracted drivers on phones to slippery road conditions, there are a number of things that can cause an accident. However, an often overlooked factor that could lead to an accident is not having your car maintenance up to date. If it’s been awhile since the last time you’ve given some extra care to your vehicle, you might want to read on.

Vehicles need to be properly cared for in order to be running smoothly. There are enough hazards and distractions out on the road, the last thing you want is a vehicle that isn’t performing at its best. In order to reduce your odds of getting injured in a car accident, you’ll want to make sure to keep up with your car’s maintenance. In today’s blog, we’ll cover some of the most crucial car maintenance issues and how they can help prevent an accident.

Brake Pads

Every car is equipped with brake pads that help slow your car down when you step on the brake pedal. Over time, brake pads can become worn out and not work as efficiently as before. Even a split second of extra braking time can make the difference that prevents an accident. A common sign that it’s time to replace your brake pads is when you start to hear a squeaky noise when pressing your brakes.

Headlights & Taillights

Another critical component of a vehicle that must be maintained are its headlights and taillights. A vehicle’s headlights are what help you see what’s in front of you, especially in low light conditions such as night time or rain. Your taillights help alert other drivers that you’re pressing your brakes, allowing them to slow down their car in anticipation. It might be a good idea to have a friend help you check that your lights are functioning properly if it’s been awhile since you last checked.


Your tires don’t just help move your car from Point A to Point B, they also provide a number of safety features to your car. For example, a good car tire will firmly grip the road and give you traction when hitting the brakes. Tires that haven’t been replaced in a long time can lose this grip and result in a more “slippery” driving experience. As a general rule of thumb, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that drivers replace their tires at least every six years, but it might be sooner depending on the amount of wear and tear on your tires.

Windshield Wipers

Windshield wipers may not be an obvious area of concern when it comes to vehicle maintenance, but they are. Windshield wipers can wear out over time, especially in a warmer state like Florida. When this happens, the wipers are less effective at removing rain droplets from your windshield. This results in lower visibility and an increased risk of an accident. If you start to notice your windshield wipers failing to properly clear away rain on your windshield, it might be time to replace them.

While some accidents are out of our control, keeping up with our car maintenance is one way we can take accident prevention into our own hands. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN. If you’ve been involved in an accident, the guidance from a personal injury attorney could help navigate the aftermath. It is helpful to have legal and medical experts on your side. The experts at 1-800-411-PAIN can help explain your options, fight for the compensation you deserve, and guide you through a swift recovery.

If you or a loved person has been injured in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN today. Our legal professionals can help you navigate the tricky process of filing an insurance claim. Our medical professionals are here to provide you with the treatment you need. Remember, after 911, call 411.

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