Ease into a Vegan Lifestyle

ease-into-a-vegan-lifestyle_path_webSo you’ve decided to give the vegan lifestyle a try, but don’t know exactly where to start? Fear not — you are not alone! Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can seem daunting but face your hesitation with these general guidelines and tips and make your transition a successful one.

Learn About the Vegan Lifestyle

Why are you making this transition? The answer to this question is extremely important, especially when the hard days come. Put in the time to educate yourself about the vegan lifestyle and find your own personal reasons for making the transition. These personal reasons will keep you going.

Go at your Pace

While some people may be able to turn vegan ‘cold turkey’, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to. Here are some tips to gradually get there.

  • Add to your Diet. Instead of cutting meat right away, start by adding more whole grain, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and tofu into your diet.
  • Try Different Recipes. You’ll be amazed of all the meals you can make with just chickpeas. And believe me, hummus is just the start.
  • Make Small Changes. Remove a certain type of meat (i.e. pork) one week and go from there.
  • Non-dairy Alternatives. With many options to choose from (almond and soy being the most common), experiment to find which you like best.

Don’t Give Up

Veganism is a lifestyle and chances are that you’ve been an omnivore your entire life so making this switch will bring challenges. Recall your personal reasons and use them as momentum to keep going. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out for support–there are many vegan support groups out there, both online and offline.