Head Trauma Awareness: Concussions and Brain Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries like broken bones. One of the most concerning types of car accident injuries involve head injuries. The brain is extremely vulnerable to the powerful forces of a car accident, which is why it’s so important to be aware of the signs of concussions and brain injuries.

Not all head injuries are the same, but there are common signs and symptoms to look out for. If you ever find yourself in the aftermath of a car accident, you should be aware of these and what to do. Keep reading today’s blog to learn more about the impact that a concussion or brain injury can have on a person.

Recognizing Signs of Concussion

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can often occur during a car accident. These types of accidents happen at such high and sudden speeds, that the extreme forces can result in a jolt or blow to the head. The most common signs of a concussion include headaches, confusion, dizziness, and mood swings. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms after a car accident, it’s important to get checked out by a healthcare professional.

Impacts of Brain Injuries

Injuries to the brain can be complex and involve a variety of symptoms, both short and long term. In the short term, many individuals suffering from a brain injury can experience memory issues, trouble sleeping, and trouble staying balanced. Long term issues can include chronic pain, physical impairments, and social isolation. Without proper treatment, these issues could worsen with time.

Preventative Measures

Thankfully, there are ways to protect yourself and reduce the odds of suffering from a head injury. Whenever you’re in a car, whether as a driver or passenger, always wear your seatbelt, secure children properly in their car seat, obey speed limits, and avoid distractions while driving. In general, the rules of the road are there to protect you from an accident, so make sure you’re driving carefully.

Next Steps

If you’ve recently been in an accident and are worried about potentially suffering from a head injury, it’s natural to wonder what your next steps should be. Your health and safety are a top priority after experiencing a car accident. Seek immediate medical attention, even if your symptoms seem mild at first. Make sure to document the scene of the accident so that you can prove your side of the case in court.

Head injuries and concussion are one of the most dangerous injuries to look out for. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN. If you’ve been involved in an accident, the guidance from a personal injury attorney could help navigate the aftermath. It is helpful to have legal and medical experts on your side. The experts at 1-800-411-PAIN can help explain your options, fight for the compensation you deserve, and guide you through a swift recovery.

If you or a loved person has been injured in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN today. Our legal professionals can help you navigate the tricky process of filing an insurance claim. Our medical professionals are here to provide you with the treatment you need. Remember, after 911, call 411.

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