car accident

Injured in a Car Accident? Follow These Steps Immediately After.

Car accidents can be a traumatic and stressful experience. You could be left with not only physical injuries but also anxiety and stress. You may not be sure what steps to take in the aftermath of an accident, which is why we’re here to break it down for you step by step.

As a health clinic, we at Path Medical have dealt with countless patients who were injured in a car accident. Our experienced healthcare professionals will work with you to ensure your recovery process goes smoothly. After dealing with so many patients, we also know exactly which steps to take in the aftermath of an accident. Keep reading today’s blog to learn what you should do if you ever find yourself injured.

Safety First

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, the first priority should always be for your health and safety. Check yourself for any injuries that require immediate attention, and then check on the health of any others who may have been involved in the accident. If possible, try to move your vehicle to a safe location and stay out of the road to prevent further harm.

Report the Accident

Once you’re sure that nobody involved in the accident needs immediate medical assistance, the next step is to report the accident. Call the police to come out to the accident scene. After they arrive, tell them about the accident and give your side of the story. Ask them for a copy of the police report, as it could be crucial in any future legal proceedings.

Document Evidence

While you’re waiting for the police to arrive, take some time to document evidence. Use your phone to take pictures and videos of the scene of the accident, making sure to include as much detail as possible. This should include the vehicles involved, the damage, and pictures of the surrounding environment if needed. Make sure to exchange information with the other driver. All these pieces of evidence can go a long way when it comes to insurance claims as well as your legal case.

Get Medical Attention

Once the police report has been filed and all evidence has been documented, the next step is seeking medical attention. Even if your injuries may seem minor at the moment, it’s common for injuries to get worse in the days and weeks after an accident occurs. In fact, some injuries may not show up at all at first. Seek out a health clinic like Path Medical and get your injuries checked out to understand the full extent of your injuries.

Getting into a car accident can be a scary experience, but if you know which steps to take afterward, you can make a huge difference in your recovery. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN. If you’ve been involved in an accident, guidance from a personal injury attorney could help navigate the aftermath. It is helpful to have legal and medical experts on your side. The experts at 1-800-411-PAIN can help explain your options, fight for the compensation you deserve, and guide you through a swift recovery.

If you or a loved person has been injured in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN today. Our legal professionals can help you navigate the tricky process of filing an insurance claim. Our medical professionals are here to provide you with the treatment you need. Remember, after 911, call 411.

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