Sleeping with Technology is Unhealthy

sleeping-techWhere’s your phone?

Chances are you are using your phone to read this right now or it’s within close proximity to you. With so much information and all the convenience technology provides us, it can seem strange to think of technology as anything but positive. However, too much exposure to technology screens can actually have an adverse health impact on us, particularly if it’s close to bedtime.

The biggest takeaway of using technology before you go to bed is the negative sleeping habits that come out of it. Our phones keep us awake, which in turn creates a whole lot of health problems for us. In fact, lack of sleep increases the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and car accidents.

Our phones keep us awake for many reasons, here’s a condensed list:

Late-night texts, emails, calls, and calendar reminders wake us up and keep us from precious sleep time.

Brain Stays Alert

After spending an entire day surrounded by technology, your mind needs time to unwind. Surfing the web, answering emails and posting pictures right before bed keeps your brain engaged and tricks your brain into needing to stay awake.

Bright Light

The blue light emitted from screens restraints the production of melatonin–the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle, making it harder for you to fall and stay asleep.

Sleep is important. We all know the feeling when we do not get enough sleep, and yet we continue to place sleep behind the notifications.

Here are some tips to combat sleep deprivation:
  1. Have a sleep schedule. Regulate your body’s clock by going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day.
  2. Avoid electronics before bed. Take an hour before bed to unwind with a light activity such as a taking a bubble bath or reading a book.
  3. Exercise. Exercising regularly helps promote a more restful sleep.