The Filthy Kitchen Sponge

You may have your kitchen sponge innocently resting in a certain spot within or beside your kitchen sink. Are you aware of the bacteria residing within it?

Microbiologists are aware that your kitchen sponge is a staple to getting your daily meal prep and clean ups complete. However, they do caution you to be careful with how and where you use your sponge.

The kitchen sponge is capable of harboring a myriad of bacteria that has the potential to get you ill. Research has shown that sponges that are cleaned in the microwave or with soapy water actually end up with bacteria called Moraxella osloensis.

It is advised to throw away the sponge when you detect an unpleasant odor emanating from it. Keep track of your sponge and its’ scent to prevent the spreading of the bacteria. Also, be wary of the sponge if you become ill or someone within your home is ill.

Try to avoid placing your sponge in a compromising situation such as these:

  • Scrubbing off chunked food debris
  • Wiping up meat juices
  • Wiping up dirt from veggies and fruits
  • Wiping up unpasteurized milk
  • Cleaning up vomit or any other type of bodily fluids
  • Cleaning up Pet droppings

There’s no need to fear your kitchen sponge, just be sensible with the situation. It is better to be safe and dispose of the sponges on a weekly basis. If someone with a weak immune system is residing with you, then it may be advised to dispose of the sponge on a daily basis.