These at Home Exercises Can Help With Pain

If you’ve been in an accident, your biggest priority should be seeking professional medical attention to take a look at your injuries. However, there are additional exercises you can do at home in between visits to a health clinic. These exercises can help manage and deal with pain in the short term while your doctors help get you on the road to recovery.

Not only can some at home exercises help manage your physical pain, but they can also boost your mental health. If you’re physically able, participating in healthy exercises can make you feel more positive through the release of the “feel good” chemicals that come from exercise. It’s also  important to note that you should be on the same page with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

Cardio Exercise

Depending on the type of injury you have, your mobility may be limited or you might need to stay in bed for longer periods of time. However, if able, getting some cardio exercise can do wonders for your health. You can choose your own speed and go at any pace you’d like, whether it’s walking, jogging, or running. You could also try swimming or biking for additional cardio exercise. Swimming and water aerobics in particular are great because they’re light on your joints, which may be sore in the aftermath of an accident.


Sometimes, there’s no better feeling for your body than getting in a good stretch. There are a variety of stretches you can do with no equipment at all, just yourself and a surface to stand on. Yoga is another great way to stretch your body and help relax your muscles. You can also use this time for relaxation and meditation to keep your mind strong while your body heals.

Light Sports

If exercising on your own isn’t enough fun, you could always try engaging in light sports. For example, playing a light and casual game of golf or shooting some hoops can be a good way to get your body moving. Try engaging in something that doesn’t require any contact or strenuous activity. As always, it’s important to listen to your body and doctors on how much activity you’re cleared for.

Everyday Activities & Chores

After getting injured in an accident, even doing your everyday chores can be a huge undertaking. However, slowly integrating your everyday activities back into your routine can be a great way to get some cardio exercise or stretching in. You don’t have to reintegrate all your chores at once, you can reintroduce them one by one and see how you’re feeling. And if your injury is significant, there’s no shame in getting some help from friends and family in completing these tasks.


As previously mentioned, it’s always crucial to make sure you and your doctor are in agreement on any exercises or activities you want to engage in as you recover from your injury. You don’t want to run the risk of aggravating your injury and making it worse.

Dealing with an injury can be difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN. If you’ve been involved in an accident, the guidance from a personal injury attorney could help navigate the aftermath. It is helpful to have legal and medical experts on your side. The experts at 1-800-411-PAIN can help explain your options, fight for the compensation you deserve, and guide you through a swift recovery.

If you or a loved person has been injured in an accident, call 1-800-411-PAIN today. Our legal professionals can help you navigate the tricky process of filing an insurance claim. Our medical professionals are here to provide you with the treatment you need. Remember, after 911, call 411.

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