Mall Safety With Kids!

Even though the holiday sales is a sign to spoil yourself – they are also a sign that kids will also be overflowing Target; especially in the toys section.  During this time of the year, parents bring their children to the mall to experience holiday shopping. Plus you will find a menorah here and there and probably get a picture with Santa Clause. If you have a child, you may need to keep an extra eye on them. With all the excitement around this season, they’re bound to wander off. You wouldn’t want to lose a child in a crowd of people, would you? So what are some tips to keep your child within reach or at least safe on your shopping spree? We listed a few ideas on what you can do to avoid making this holiday a Grinchmas.

  1. Shopping carts: Believe it or not, shopping carts can be dangerous. There have been over 20,000 cases of shopping cart injuries in children dealing with either neck or head injuries. This is mostly a result from poorly designed carts. These carts may also be old and have lost their strength to hold children or other heavy products. Make sure to avoid a kid’s injury by making sure they are buckled in the front seat. Never let them ride the basket. And if you have a choice, choose the carts that are designed low to the ground. This will keep your children fastened safely and if an accident does occur, it would be minor.
  2. Wanderer Child: The shopping mall can be a different world to a child. It’s a place to see things and get things from other places than their home and school. They can choose what they want and deny what they don’t like. However, your child might scan through the mall – finding something that they like and gravitate to it. What do you do when you got a wanderer? Before you leave the house set ground rules with your child. Bring games and books to keep them occupied in places they can’t shop and have them remember your number. Remind them to always look for an entrusted employee when they get lost and tell them to never trust a stranger.
  3. Store Displays: Be aware! Many kids love tampering with them. There probably be more for the holidays to show off a company’s clothes, products and more. Make sure your child doesn’t tamper with any display especially those that can easily fall apart or have glass. This can help your child to prevent an injury and you from a heart attack.

Keep the holidays extra special for you and your kids safety.

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