Car Accidents by State, Ranked

Bad drivers can be anywhere, but some areas have a higher concentration of road ragers, distracted drivers, or drivers who operate under the influence, which result in a state’s high accident rate. Unfortunately, accidents don’t always end with a few scratches. The following states are ranked from highest to lowest in fatalities due to car crashes:


Mississippi: 25.8% Delaware: 13.2%

Alabama: 21.2% Vermont: 13%

South Carolina: 21.1% Iowa: 12.6%

Arkansas: 19.3% Oregon: 12.3%

New Mexico: 19.1% Nevada: 11.8%

Wyoming: 19% Ohio: 11.3%

South Dakota: 19% Wisconsin: 11.3%

Kentucky: 18.7% California: 10.6%

Oklahoma: 18.4% Michigan: 10.6%

West Virginia: 18.6% Virginia: 10.2%

Louisiana: 17.6% Pennsylvania: 9.9%

Montana: 17% Rhode Island: 9.9%

Missouri: 16.3% Illinois: 9.6%

Tennessee: 16.2% Maryland: 9.5%

Idaho: 15.8% Utah: 9.5%

Kansas: 15.8% Washington: 9%

North Dakota: 15.6% Connecticut: 8.2%

Florida: 15.4% Minnesota: 8.1%

Georgia: 14.9% New Hampshire: 8%

North Carolina: 14.8% Hawaii: 7.4%

Arizona: 14.5% New Jersey: 7.2%

Maine: 14.2% Massachusetts: 6.1%

Indiana: 13.8% New York: 5.3%

Texas: 13.8% Washington D.C.: 4.8%

Alaska: 13.7%

Nebraska: 13.5%


It’s important to note that the latest information on these statistics is from a 2017 nationwide study. As always, buckle up, focus on the road, and practice deep breathing to avoid getting into an accident. If you do get into an accident, remember, after 911, call 411. Call Path at 1-800-411-PAIN.

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