Foodtastic Friday: Caffine Alternatives

Do you find yourself desperately scrounging around to find coffee in the morning? Do you find yourself with a headache if you don’t have your morning coffee? If your answer is yes to both of these questions then we can deduce that you are reliant on coffee.

Although coffee may have its benefits for your health, there are also the downfalls from drinking it. As with all foods and beverages, coffee should be consumed in moderation.

In order to start cutting back on your coffee intake try a few alternatives to coffee. There are healthier options that still have the potential to boost your energy levels.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:


Oolong tea

Oolong tea is dated back to 400 years and was predominant in China. Oolong includes the benefits of both black and green tea. There are so many benefits to Oolong tea, they include diabetes control, reduction of obesity, and protection against tooth decay. Using Oolong tea to substitute coffee comes with its perks.

Hot Apple Cider

Apple cider has its sweet and flavorful aspects that could boost your mood. It does not have any source of caffeine but the flavor is a real kick to the taste buds. It also has its own collection of benefits, which are quite similar to the ingestion of an apple such as: the prevention of cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes and certain types of cancer.


It may be time-consuming to prepare a smoothie in the morning but it’s really worth it. You can use yogurt, fruits and vegetables to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right nutrition it needs. Including nuts in the smoothie will give you a boost of protein, fiber and keep you full. Use cashew milk, almond milk or throw in various nuts into the blender to keep the texture interesting. A smoothie lets you use your imagination.