Three Vehicle Accident on the 411 Pain blog

Three Vehicle Accident Sends
Two to the Hospital
A three vehicle accident in Hickory, N.C. on July 8, 2012 resulted in a married couple having to be transported to the hospital. Witnesses say that the accident was caused by the driver of a white Honda Civic, who ran a red light and collided with an SUV. After striking the SUV, causing it to flip over, the Honda then struck a separate vehicle that was waiting at a red light.
The driver of the Honda Civic was traveling with her three children. None of the children were injured in the accident. The driver did not sustain life-threatening injuries. The occupants of the SUV acquired the most severe injuries during the accident. They had to be cut out of their vehicle. Officers said that it looked as though she had a broken leg.
Terrible accidents can be avoided by simply following the law. Had the woman driving the Honda Civic not ran the red light, this accident would never have happened. 1 800 411 Pain strongly advises that all motorists adhere to traffic laws at all times. Something as simple as stopping at a stop sign or red light can be the deciding factor in whether or not an accident occurs. For more of the latest information on driver safety and accident news, visit Robert Lewin, owner of 1 800 411 Pain, reminds you not to drink and drive and to always wear your seat belt. 
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