What to Say and What NOT to Say After a Car Accident

When adrenaline is high, after a car accident, it is easy to get carried away with words, but this can come back to haunt you if you end up having to fight the case. We have extensively talked about the things that you should DO if you get into an accident, but the things you shouldn’t say or do are equally important. At 1-800-411-PAIN, we want you to be always ready and take the right steps to get the compensation you deserve!

Here are some of the critical things you should do after an accident:

  • Stay in the scene of the accident
  • Assess any physical and property damage
  • Exchange information with the other parties involved 
  • Get witnesses’ information
  • Write down or make a voice note of everything you remember from the accident, this will come in handy as your memory of the situation begins to fade
  • Call emergency services at 911 and file a report
  • Take pictures of the scene, cars, and surrounding areas
  • Call Path at 1-800-411-PAIN to be referred to the best accident attorneys and medical services

It is essential that you become comfortable following these steps to have a successful outcome after a very traumatic experience. However, it is not enough to follow these directions if you are not aware of the potential problems that can come up from doing or saying the wrong things after a car accident. Here are some of the things you should refrain from doing:

  • Although this might seem like common sense, refrain from any verbal or physical aggression towards the other parties involved. Keep calm and only communicate with those involved to check on their well-being and get their information 
  • Do not apologize or say, “I’m sorry,” even if you feel that you’re at fault, doing so constitutes accepting fault, and at this moment, it is important you stick to factual information and remove personal feelings from the mix. Fault is not for you to determine and can cost you your case in the future
  • Do not accuse or attribute fault to other parties, doing this will increase the chances of an unnecessary altercation 
  • Do not say that you are not injured if you have not been checked by a medical professional. It is important that you get checked for any brain injuries or internal bleeding. Even if you don’t experience pain right after the accident, it may appear days later, especially for back and neck injuries
  • Avoid the phrase “I think…” Stick to facts, and if you are unsure about something, it’ll be more convenient for you, in the long run, to say that you don’t know
  • Do not say that your initial account of the accident is your official statement. First, get the guidance of a capable attorney by calling 1-800-411-PAIN, and we will make sure you receive the legal services you deserve.

Remember, if you get into an accident, follow the steps above and Call Path at 1-800-411-PAIN, we will fight for you and connect you with the legal and medical services you need.

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