Which Milk Fits Your Taste?


Ahhh milk!

A primary component for cookie-eating. Before, milk boys would go door-to-door delivering fresh glass milk straight from the cows’ utters. With its freshness, it was easy to have a nice drink or an ingredient to a person’s recipe. It is said it helps build strong and bones. That’s why it’s in tune with people’s system that milk is essential. As time goes on, the milk choices grew. What was considered fresh glass milk from milk boys, turned into cartoon and jugs in the grocery stores.

What’s your choice of milk?

Funny enough, milk doesn’t just come from cows. Those that do are whole, low-fat(1%), reduced-fat(2%) and skim milk (also known as fat-free or nonfat milk).  These go types of milk go through a similar process. They go through pasteurization, homogenization, and separation in order to make it safe for consumption. If these steps are skipped it may lead to diseases. No one wants that!

So what’s the difference?

The difference comes from the cream that goes into the milk. That will consider the amount of fat in the milk carton. When the milk is going through the processes-milk processors skim out the cream from the product. In order to create 1-2% milk, they add cream back into the box until it reaches the required amount. So what about whole milk you may ask? Well, it’s not all cream! That’s mostly heavy cream for you! Whole milk is just a name for milk that has about 3.25% of cream inside its carton. Therefore, you’re not getting the extra cream to your drink. Skim milk. however, does not have cream inside of it. In result, milk processor skims out the cream and leave it out.

What about the almond milk?

Again, as time goes on, changes occur. Different lifestyle blooms and we learn that some people are lactose-intolerant. Therefore the future inventors had a solution: nut milk! The famous almond milk bloomed. Almond milk is mostly made with almond nuts blended with water, or it can be made with water and almond butter.

But is there another choice?

Macadamia is coming through the US slowly! Macadamia is a kind of nut mostly grown in Australia. It’s dairy-free, soy-free, and GMO-free. That spells HEALTHY! Like almond milk, macadamia is created with a similar process. The best part about this is that they can actually be homemade – money saved!